Case Study

  • This particular client was troubled by persistent leaks around the area where the generator is positioned. Prior to engaging our services, three different roofing contractors had been enlisted to address the issue without success. The client expressed considerable frustration at the continued leakage and sought definitive answers to resolve the situation.

  • After mobilizing, we quickly arranged for a sturdy crane to effectively and securely relocate the generator, clearing the path for us to proceed with the essential repair required to meet our client's needs.

  • After relocating the generator, we discovered the absence of roofing membrane in the area where the leak was occuring. We promptly informed the customer of this development and took immediate steps to address and resolve the issue.

  • We custom-built a sturdy metal piece to precisely fit beneath the generator, ensuring protection for the new membrane from any potential damage caused by the weight of the machine. Additionally, our design guaranteed a water-tight seal to enhance the durability of the setup. The client expressed great satisfaction with our effective resolution of their issue.

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